Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08722
Claimant: Kamakanui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Makapala
Ili: Kahonu
Statistics: 1954 characters 318 words
No. 8722, Kanakanui, January 31, 1848
N.R. 28v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby write my claim for a farm. I have measured the length, 25, and the width, 12. I also claim a lot which I measured. It is 54 on the east, 30 on the north, 50 on the west, 31 on the south. This ends my claim at Makapala. Kamakau is the one who has the land.

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.... kaiapalani's interest
Kohalawaho by stream
Makai by Poniponi, ili land
Hamakua by patch koele /konohiki/.

There are 7 patches and 3 pastures; some places have been cultivated and 1 house is for him. He had acquired it 1831 from Kamakau who had given it to his parents during the time of Kamehameha I. No one had objected."

[No. 8722 not awarded]