Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08728
Claimant: Kauinui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Pololu
Ili: Palioama
Statistics: 1694 characters 273 words
No. 8728, Kauinui
N.R. 40-41v8

Pololu is the Ahupua`a. Palioama is the ili: the length is 67 fathoms, the width is 59 fathoms. This land was from Leleiohoku to Kapihi, from him to Kekaulahao, and from Kekaulahao to me. I have been on this land 10 years.

F.T. 1v4
No. 8728, K ....

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.... Mahukau, an ili land.

2. Toward the mountain:
Mauka by Puiwa, an ili land
Kohalawaho here by Lania, an ili land
Makai by Pau, an ili land
Hamakua by Makahina, ili land.

Uali had given him this land during the time of Kamehameha I; no one has objected to this day.

[No. 8728 not awarded]