Mahele Documents

08747 Laawai, makuakane
Claim Number: 08747
Claimant: Kauhane
Other claimant:Laawai, makuakane
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Niulii
Ili: Waiahole
Statistics: 2928 characters 486 words
No. 8747, Kauhane, January 12, 1848
N.R. 38v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby write concerning the claim for land in the ili named Waiahale. There three sections of land. I measured one section and it is 220 long and 90 wide. The second section is 180 long and 60 wide. The third section is at Kalaelaau. The land is demarcated by old iwi /earth or stone ridge/. This land was from Kamehameha I to Umi, and from Umi to Upai, and from Upai to Kiaimoku who has it at this time. My makuakane, Laawai, got it /as tenant/ and I got it from him. I have be ....

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.... iki
Makai by a road; a ditch and Kupanapanau.

3. Toward the mountain: 30 or more patches and a potato pasture.
Mauka by idle land for the konohiki
the same is for Kohalawaho and around all sides.
No houses are in these two parcels.

Two houses are in section I for him /Kauhane/, which he had received in 1828 from Opunui. No one has objected to this day.

Kukeanui, sworn and stated, I have seen exactly as Kiaimoku has stated here.

[Award 8747, Niulii N. Kohala; 1 ap.; 15.5 Acs; Niulii Waiahole N. Kohala; 2 ap.; .25 Ac.]