Mahele Documents

3/27/2011 5:50:08 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 08824
Claimant: Kekipi, I.W.
Other claimant:Lonoaemua
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Paalaa
Ili: Kalie, Laukihaa
Statistics: 2554 characters 348 words
No. 8824, I.W. Kekipi, Waialua, Oahu
N.R. 388v4

To the Honorable Land Commissioners: I, I. W. Kekipi, have land at Paalaa, Waialua, on Oahu. The name of my mo'o is Keaohia, and there are some lo'is at Laukihaa, and also a small kula is one of my lands. It was conveyed to me in the year 1845, and therefore I request you, the Land Commissioners, to protect my occupation of these lands with an award document which explains that it has been properly acquired by me. I am with thanks, ....

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.... , the houses of Kauihaiwale
Waianae, mo`o of Kealohua
Makai, land boundary wall
Koolaupoko, kula of Konohiki.

The first apana was from Kaleoawaawa in 1845. Apana 2 was from Kauihaiwale in 1845. Apana 3 was from Kealohua in 1849. Kekipi has undisputed possession of these apanas.

Kalalealea, sworn, my knowledge of it is the same as Wana's.

[Award 8824; R.P. 1482; Laukihaa Paalaa Waialua; 2 ap.; 2.01 Acs; Kalie Paalaa Waialua; 1 ap.; 1.78 Acs; Kekipi for Lonoaemua]