Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08833
Claimant: Kiaipa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Puna
Ahupuaa: Kealia
Ili: Waipunaula, Kioahale
Statistics: 2580 characters 379 words
No. 8833, Kiaipa, Claimant
N.R. 395v9

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners. I hereby state my own claim. It is 396 feet long by 254 feet wide.
31 January 1848

F.T. 112-113v12
No. 8833, Kiaipa, Claimant

Pakaa, sworn, says I am acquainted with the lands of Claimant in Kealia. They are 3 pieces as follows:

No. 1 is house lot ili "Waipunaula."
No. 2 is 3 Lois & kula adjoining in ili "Kulehaole."
No. 3 is ....

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.... loi/Moni's loi
Puna by Konohiki pasture.

Land from Konohiki, although it was cultivated by Kiaipa's own hands and he was elected Konohiki under the other Konohiki.

This has become securely Kiaipa's land.

Kaawa, sworn, verifies Pakaa's testimony, and suggests that Konohiki's claim be separated from Kiaipa's land.

[Award 8833; R.P. 7360; Kulehale Kealia Puna; 2 ap.; 2 roods 14 rods; Waipuanaula Kealia Puna; 1 ap.; 1 rood 30 rods]