Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08854
Claimant: Kalua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hiko
Ahupuaa: Waiakea
Statistics: 2799 characters 454 words
No. 8854, Kalua, Waiakea, Hilo, February 5, 1848
N.R. 706v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, Kalua, of Piopio, hereby state my claim to you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles. I have a house lot 44 fathoms in length - the sides are unequal, on side being 25 and another side being 20 fathoms. It is a right held since the time of my kupunas, until the present.

F.T. 25v5
No. 8854, Kalua

Levi, sworn deposed, he knows the land of Kalua to be situated on the Ahupuaa Waiakea o ....

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Section 3:
Mauka by Niihau's land
Hamakua by Koieamo's land
Makai by Kuahopu's land
Puna by Konohiki.

Section 4:
Mauka and Hamakua by Kuahopu's land
Makai by Kauhi's land
Puna by Kaiamo's land
3 partially cultivated kihapais.

Old land from Keawe's grandparents since Kamehameha II. No one has objected.

Kuahopu, sworn, He has seen this land exactly as Levi had related here.

[Award 8854; R.P. 1908; Waiakea Hilo; 1 ap.; 3.4 Acres]