Mahele Documents

08866 Pakeau
Claim Number: 08866
Claimant: Kaniho & Pakeau
Other claimant:Pakeau
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Pulehunui
Ili: Haleokane, Kawiha, Kukuinaenae
Statistics: 2148 characters 359 words
No. 8866, Kaniho & Pakeau, Kula, January 20, 1848
N.R. 486-487v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claims at Pulehunui. Its name is Poonahoahoa. On the east is PohakuoKane, on the north, is a ravine, on the southeast, the boundary is crooked, to the south, from the south to the southeast, and to the west also.

The second is Hapuuale. It is bounded on the north by a gulch, ....

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.... la by Pulehu stream.

Section 3:
Mauka by Kamakea
Makawao by Kapono
Makai by Hoeu
Honuaula by Pulehu stream.

Section 4:
Mauka by Hoeu
Makawao by Poalima
Makai by Wahine
Honuaula by Malaihi.

[Award 8866; R.P. 5168; Haleokane Pulehu Kula; 2 ap.; 2. Acs (Ap. 1, 4); Kawiha Pulehu Kula; 1 ap.; 8.90 Acs (Ap. 3); Kukuinaenae Pulehu Kula; 1 ap.; 4 Acs Ap. 2]