Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08909
Claimant: Kalahili
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Makakunahele, Makanalua
Statistics: 4394 characters 685 words
No. 8909, Kalahili, Makanalua, Molokai, January 1848
N.R. 246-247v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Makanalua on the Island of Molokai. It is an `ili, named Makanakunahele. It is situated as follows: from the sea of Kahili as far as to Pahumahana. It is bounded, as it lies from inland to the sea, by Palawai on one side, by Paooole on one side, by the sea of Kahili on one side, and by Puaakaa on the mauka side. The "jump" lands are: Puaaikauai, in the `ili of Palawai, bounded by Kapua on one side and by Palawai on one side. The "jump" of Kainahelehele is in the `ili of Waihanau and it is bounded on the makai side by Kaanopipalau, on the mauka side by a kumu waihi /literally: source oozing water/, and by Kaweeku on one side and Mahanana on the other side.

The `ili was acqu ....

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.... sworn, I know his land in the 'Ili of "Makakunahele", Makanalua & at Kalaupapa, Molokai. There are 2 apana.

Apana 1: House lot at "Kokipohaku", Kalaupapa.
Apana 2: Kula land at Makakunahele, Kakanalua.

Apana 1: Surrounded by the land of Konohiki.
Apana 2: Surrounded by the land of Konohiki.

His apanas of land were from Kananamoku, his father-in-law, in the time of Kinau, before 1839, and he has had quiet and undisputed possession until the present.

N.T. 201-202v6 [also pages 122-123]
No. 8909, Kalahili

Pulihi and Pukeke, sworn, Makakunahale moo of Makanalua.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by Puaakaa
Manae by Kolohe
Makai by sea
Malalo by konohiki.

2 lele sections where he has lived since long ago.

[No. 8909 not awarded]