Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08950B
Claimant: Kalawaiakohala
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Awalua 1
Ili: Kamakahalau, Ina, Ililoa
Statistics: 2272 characters 351 words
[No. 8950B], Kalawaiakohola, January 18, 1848
N.R. 24-25v8

[Listed as 8095!]

Awalua is the Ahupua`a, Kamakahalau is the ili, my land claim which I occupied for ten years. It was from Kamehameha III to Kalainalii, from him to Kanahele, and from Kanahele to me, Kalawaiakohala.

F.T. 102v4
Cl. 8950B, Kalanaiakohala 8095 (See No. 7924B)

Palua, sworn, testifies that cla ....

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Mauka and all around the boundaries for the konohiki.

House-lot section - Ina Ili.
It has been enclosed, 1 house is for him. The surrounding boundaries are for the konohiki. The /land/ had been from Kamehameha I and acquired by his grandparents.

Kealoha, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Palua has related here.

[Award 8950B; R.P. 7346; Awalua 1 N. Kohala; 1 ap.; 15.7 Acs; See Also 7924B not awarded]