Mahele Documents

08960 Kanakaole
Claim Number: 08960
Claimant: Mihaai
Other claimant:Kanakaole
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Kiokio, Kulakuku, Kaiaka
Statistics: 4142 characters 637 words
No. 8960, Mihaai
N.R. 268-269v7

No. 8961, Kanakaole

For your information, O Land Commissioners, I have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai. However, these are the claims for the po`alimas of the konohikis. Below are the names of these lands: 1. Awakua. 2. Hakaka. 3. Loikukui. 4. Koleakaua. 5. Nameless, however these po`alimas are in the `ili of Alahaka. 6. Loikukui is in the `ili of Kiokio. 7. Kauamanu of Kawaiea. 8. Kalualii is in the `ili of Kawaiea. 9. Maunakapu, an entire `ili. 10. Pehu. 11. Pilikalawa. These `ilis are in Koiaka. 12. Kokilae, this is in the `ili of Kokipohaku. 13. Kalaemilo, in the `ili of Niu. 14. Keakua, from within the `ili of Keahua*. 15. Hauola. 16. Hauola from within Hauola*. 17. Kauola from within Kauola. 18. Ahuli. 19. Kaapaa - they ....

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.... No. 8960, Mihaai

Kanakaole kon.[konohiki] hoohikiia. Moo - Kiokio - M.

Apana 1.
Mauka, Pali
Manae, Nuku
Makai, Kai
Malalo, Kahaoa.

A.D.Hooilina. He apana lele kekahi makahie.

Apana 2.
Mauka, Kahawai
Manae, Kalili
Makai, Kaniho
Malalo, Kaiheelua.

N.T. 204v6 [also page 125]
No. 8960, Mihaai

Kanakaole (konohiki), sworn.

Moo, Kiokio, M.

Section 1
Mauka by pali
Manae by Muku
Makai by sea
Malalo by Kahaoa.

Bequested land.

A lele sections in another locality.

Section 2
Mauka by stream
Manae by Kaili
Makai by Kaniho
Malalo by Kaiheelua.

[Award 8960; R.P. 7519; Kiokio Kalaupapa Koolau; 1 ap.; 4 Acs]