Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08963
Claimant: Kaaikapu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Kokipohaku
Statistics: 4246 characters 712 words
No. 8963, Kaaikapu
N.R. 270-271v7

For your information, O Land Commissioners, I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai, an `ili, named Kokipohaku. This `ili lies from the pali of Keolewa to the Church of Kalaupapa, Makai by at the back of the house of Kauhi, which is the boundary. It is bounded as follows: Kaiaka is makai adjoining the sea, Kokipohaku is on one side. Here are these claims: a "jump" from within Kokipohaku, but it is still Kokipohaku. This 'jump" of mine is in the kula. It is situated as follows: Ohia is in the sea /sic/, Ahuli is mauka, Kakaanalua is makai and Kokipohaku is the eastward. I received this `ili when Kaneikapuahakea was konohiki here in Kalaupapa - he gave it to me, Koiole, this `ili of Kokipohaku. Kaneikapuahakea was dispossessed, Kanaina was appo ....

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.... ed there and cultivated this land partially, most of the land was overgrown, and he stays there now - I never heard that it had been objected to by the Konohiki, and he is now objecting.

Kamaipelekane, sworn, (Deputy Konohiki). This claim was disputed at the time it was formerly surveyed, because of the excessive size, and I object to it today - it is better to reduce it. I agree that he should be given nine acres, and the remainder is for the konohiki.

It was decided that the Konohiki was right, and Kaaihapuu agreed to it.

N.T. 205v6 [also page 125]
No. 8963, Kaaihapuu

Moo Kipohaku.
Mauka by pali
Manae by konohiki
Makai by Makanalua
Malalo by Kalili.

A.D. Kamehameha I.

[Award 8963; R.P. 6361; Kipohaku Kalaupapa Koolau; 1 ap.; 9.5 Acs]