Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08964
Claimant: Kawelo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Makanalua
Ili: Mahana
Statistics: 2874 characters 448 words
No. 8964, Kawelo
N.R. 271-272v7

For your information, O Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Makanalua, Island of Molokai, a mo`o named Mahana. It is situated as follows: from the stream of Waihanau as far as to the pali and meeting with Kalawao. The lands on its two sides are Kaeaalii makai and Kekumuwaihi mauka. The lower side is the valley, the upper side is the mountain. Kahanui and Kalawao are the land boundary far mauka.

Furthermore, there is a "jump" /named// Kumaihoopai; however it is in the Ahupua`a of ....

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.... pali
Makai by the watercourse
Kaluakoi by the same.

Claimant inherited this land from his parents, who held it in the time of Kamehameha I, and has had quiet possession up to this time. The konohiki has a piece of land in this claim.

Kaloi, sworn, confirms in full the testimony of the former witness.

N.T. 202v6 [also page 123]
No. 8964, Kawelo

Moo, Mehana
Mauka and Manae by pali
Makai by Moloi
Malalo by konohiki.

Old land, retained.

[No. 8964 not awarded]