Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08966
Claimant: Kilauakea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mapalehu
Ili: Puhiweuweu
Statistics: 2425 characters 384 words
No. 8966, [Kilauakea], Ililauakea /sic/
N.R. 273v7

I have my `ili at this time. I hereby state to you, the Land Commissioners, it is at Mapulehu in the Ahupua`a, on the Island of Molokai. I have a taro lo`i. The name of the haku'aina who gave it /sentence unfinished/. I still cultivate that `ili. Its length is 20, its width is 18. Keulu is the name of my land. Puouou is the name on the east, and Mua is on the west. Kahaaluu /is the name of/ my `ili. It ....

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Kilanakea, sworn, I have realized the error in my surveying which gave me Kuanea's land, therefore, I am returning the place I had taken in error. I shall return to my former place which is now the place of my son-in-law Petero. I shall not argue with Kuanea. I was in error.

N.T. 44v16
No. 8966, Kilaneakea

Testimony on page 6, volume 6 Foreign Testimony.

[No. 8966 same as Award 237P; R.P. 641; Mapulehu; 3 ap.; 4.28 Acs]