Mahele Documents

09077 Opala
Claim Number: 09077
Claimant: Kaehu
Other claimant:Opala
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Makaweli
Ili: Hakioa
Statistics: 2048 characters 341 words
No. 9077, Kaehu
N.R. 406-407v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: Here is my explanation to you. There is a kihapai, named Kaahakoali, in the `ili of Hakioa, in the Ahupua`a of Makaweli on the island of Kauai. Kaniuhi was the one who had this kihapai and my occupancy of this kihapai was from him, until Kiokio under whom I hold it at this time.

The dimensions of this kihap ....

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.... pe by Puulima ditch
Makai by Kaheihei moo
Mana by Kainamanu pali.

Huakini the Konohiki gave this land to Opala when it was returned to him by Kaniuhi in 1849, and he has had it since that time to the present without objections.
Kaapuiki, sworn, Kaehu's statements are right and accurate.

[Award 9077; R.P. 7888; Hakioa Makaweli Kona; 1 ap.; 1.75 Acs 36 rods; to Opala]