Mahele Documents

09084 Keliiwaaole
Claim Number: 09084
Claimant: Kahakauila
Other claimant:Keliiwaaole
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kau
Ahupuaa: Kowala
Ili: Poopueo,Kapio,Kamuku
Statistics: 2169 characters 347 words
No. 9084, Kahakauila, Keliiwaaole
N.R. 617v8

I, Kahakauila, have an `ili of land, Kamuku, bounded by Kapio on the east, by Kamuku 2 on the west, on the north by the `ama`uma`u fern zone, and on the south by the seashore bluff. 3 kihapai are at Poopueo, one is at Kapio. There is also a house lot which I have.

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I have a mo`o, Nalukapai 2, bounded by Kam ....

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Section 1:
Mauka by Government land
Puna by land of Naeole
Makai by Government land
Kona by land of Kahaliukua.

Section 2:
Mauka by land of Kahakauila
Government land on rest of sides.

Section 3: Bounded by Aupuni's land.

[Award 9084; R.P. 6215; Kowala/Kawela Kau; to Kahakowila; 2 ap.; 7.06 Acs; R.P. 6216; Kowala/Kawela Kau; Keliiwaaole; 2 ap. 7.55 Acs]