Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09118
Claimant: Koukou
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Waipa
Statistics: 2519 characters 411 words
No. 9118, Koukou
N.R. 411-412v9

To the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, greetings and peace: I, Koukou, a subject living at Waipa on Kauai, hereby state my claim to you. There are 10 ko`ele lo`i, and 3 ko`ele kula


Here is this claim: four orange trees. Ainialo /?/. The two malas given by Nuuanu. They have become claims of mine at this time.
I am, respectfully,
Waipa, Kauai, January 24, 1848

F ....

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.... ohiki pasture.

Section 2:
Mauka by Konohiki land
Napali by Waipa river
Makai and Koolau by Mana's land.

This land was from Kanehoa to Koukou, Ruta succeeded Koukou, later the land was released. Now, Koukou feels this had been his land, he has been living elsewhere for a year and has returned at this time.

Popoalea, sworn, he has seen this land just as Pulawa has related here.

[Award 9118; R.P. 7174; Waipa Halelea; 2 ap.; 1 rood 33 rods]