Mahele Documents

09138 Palaawahia, Kahauiki (deceased)
Claim Number: 09138
Claimant: Kalima
Other claimant:Palaawahia, Kahauiki (deceased)
Other name: Lima
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Makaweli
Ili: Kahana, Papuaa
Statistics: 3055 characters 525 words
No. 9138, Lima
N.R. 417-418v9

Greetings to you, the Land Commissioners: In the `ili of Kaaahana, Ahupua`a of Makaweli, island of Kauai, is a kihapai and a kula also, named Kahalepuolo.

It adjoins the muliwai of Makaweli on the east, and the land of Papuaa, on the south is the pali of Kalapa, on the west is the house lot of Laaii and the muliwai, and the north side is surrounded by the muliwai of Makaweli and the pali of Kalakalakua. It is 3 chains 4 fathoms on the east, 19 chains 4 fathoms on the south, 23 chains 8 fathoms on the muliwai side.

It has been held ....

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.... Ap. 2:
Mauka by Kauahelii's kula
Hanapepe by kahawai of Kahana
Makai by Pohakupupu a rock
Mana by pali of Waialoka

Palaawahia, Claimant's father, held both of these lands in the time of Kailinaoa. He held Apana 1 till his death, & it descended to his son, the present Claimant. He gave Apana 2 to Apiki who sent in his claim & dying bequeathed it to present claimant. Kulima's claim to both is good & undisputed.

Manini, sworn, says I know these lands & that Pahao's testimony is true.

[No. 9138 & No. 10664 not awarded; no N.T. located]