Mahele Documents

11/3/2015 7:08:28 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 09170
Claimant: Kupihea
Other claimant:
Other name: Kupehea
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Maunaloa
Statistics: 2150 characters 323 words
No. 9170, Kupihea
N.R. 427-428v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby describe my land at Wainiha, named Maunaloa. The /taro/ land and the kula and the house lots measure 310 fathoms long by 220 fathoms wide. This is an ancient land, from our kupunas, to us, the moopunas, therefore we have occupied this place from 1834 to the present. Therefore, I believe that I have a claim to this place. It is for ....

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.... is wife before 1837 and they have been living there peacefully except for demands on the oranges. In 1847, the Konohiki took oranges without the owners' permission.

Mauka by Kawaihae stream
Napali by Wainiha pali
Makai by Konohiki pasture
Koolau by Wainiha river.

Kealai, sworn, verifies Kapela"s statements.

[Award 9170; R.P. 7105; Maunaloa Wainiha Halelea; 1 ap.; 3.5 Acs 20 rods]