Mahele Documents

11/3/2015 6:57:44 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 09184
Claimant: Kamoolehua
Other claimant:
Other name: Opu, Kamaolehu
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Kapohaku
Statistics: 2607 characters 376 words
No. 9184, Kamaolehu
N.R. 431-432v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: We hereby explain our lo`is at Wainiha, at Kapohaku. There are eight lo`i. On the north east the length is 41 fathoms, on the southwest, 50 fathoms, on the north west, 39 fathoms, on the southeast, 39 fathoms. This land has been held from the time of Kahui, and continuous through the arrival of Alexander
This is the diagram of these lo`is:


In Hanalei, being the year 1834. Therefore, we believe we hav ....

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.... u by church enclosure.

Section 2:
Mauka by Pa's land
Napali by Kapohaku ditch
Makai by Moanalua land
Koolau by Wainiha stream

Kamoolehua received this land at the time of Kahui in 1836, he has had the house lot since the time of Kaumualii.

Those within the Puhala, under Kamoolehua were Kaioe and Piopio.

Keaka, sworn, [s]he has seen Kamoolehua's land exactly as Kaioe has related to them.

[Award 9184; R.P. 3364; Kaeleele Wainiha Halelea; 2 ap.; 1 Ac 34 rods]