Mahele Documents

11/4/2015 10:52:34 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 09260
Claimant: Kea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Kalihiwai
Ili: Kalihiwai, Auwaelalo
Statistics: 2384 characters 310 words
No. 9260, Kea
N.R. 440-441v9


These are the measurements of my taro lo`is and my house lot, as shown on the diagram. The right was from the time of Kaumualii until the present. It is for you, the Commissioners to quiet land titles, to award it. The Witnesses are Ehuiki and Kauaole.

F.T. 235-236v12
No. 9260, Kea, Claimant

Nakaikuahine, sworn, says I know the lands of Claimant in Kalihiwai as follow:

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.... Kea's loi
Koolau by Kea's loi.

These lands of Kea's came from the Konohiki down to Kea. During the time of Kaumualii they were secured. They have not been contested until today.

Makaimoku, sworn, I know these lands of Kea, I have heard Nakaikuahine's testimony. Both have known in the same way. There is no opposition.

[Award 9260; R.P. 5342; Kalihiwai 2 ap. 2 roods 23 rods; Auwaelalo Kalihiwai Halelea; 1 ap.; 1 rood 6 rods]