Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09283
Claimant: Keliinui
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Hanapepe
Ili: Kaauwaikahi
Statistics: 2259 characters 376 words
No. 9283, Keliinui
N.R. 450v9

To the Land Commissioners: On the island of Kauai, Ahupua`a of Hanapepe, in the `ili of Kaauwaikahi, I have some land. It adjoins the land of Iese on the north side, on the east is a land named Kamoku, on the south is Kawelo, and there is a kula and the pali on the west. This land was given me by Kupia on the 22nd day of January, 1848. My house lot is along the muliwai on the east side, and the f ....

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.... />Section 2 - House lot in Paikahulumanu, ili of Kaauaekahi, Hanapepe.
Mauka by Loioamoa house lot
Wahiawa by Hanapepe river
Makai by Alalua kula
Waimea by Lono's house lot.

Land from Kupia to Keliinui at the time of Kaikioewa, no one objected.

Lono, sworn, verifies Kapoanu's testimony.

[Award 9283; Hanaleiiki Hanalei Halelea; 1 ap.; 2 roods 38 rods; TMK 1-9-10 Ap. 1; TMK 1-9-12 Ap. 2]