Mahele Documents

09285 Kapapoko (w), heir, Kihei, husband
Claim Number: 09285
Claimant: Kauluulu, Beke
Other claimant:Kapapoko (w), heir, Kihei, husband
Other name: Kekaululu, Beki
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Kalihiwai
Ili: Kaihalulu, Kaililoa, Kahapoi, Kaohaolona, Kanaloa
Statistics: 4185 characters 647 words
No. 9285, Kekaululu
N.R. 451-452v9

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I, a woman of the island of Kauai, in the land of Kalihiwai, hereby state my claim to you. The claim was established as follows: It has been from the time that Kamehameha I sent my kane, Kihei, to live on the island of Kauai, and Kaumualii gave /this land/ to Kihei and it has been held from thence until this year of 1848. However, it is not all of Kalihiwai; I have three lo`i, and my house lot, that is my claim. It is measured as follows: it is 88 fathoms on the west and 88 fathoms on the east, 28 fathoms on the north and 28 fathoms on the south; that is my house lot. Here is the measurement of the taro lo`is: the length is 20 fathoms and 15 fathoms is the width. Those are my lo`is which I occupy; it is for you to award by quieting ....

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.... ahulaa's lois
Napali by Kalihiwai river
Makai by Kamakaimoku's lois
Kealia by Palulu's lois.

Section 5 -
Mauka by Kanaole's lois
Napali by Kalihi river
Makai by Pahula's lois
Kealia by Kapipali pali.

Land from Kaumualii I to Kihei, who had been Peke's first husband. Land has been secured since that time to the present. In 1848, the land became Peke's until she died, in 1849, then the land was bequested unto Kapapoko, her daughter.

Kamakaimoku, sworn, I know the kuleana lands of Peke in Kalihiwai. There are five sections. The testimony of Ikaaaka to the group is correct, there is no opposition. It is secured and she lives in peace.

[Award 9285; R.P. 7431; Kalihiwai Koolau; 2 ap. 1.5 Ac; Kekaululu, Beki]