Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09303
Claimant: Hoomana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waimalu
Ili: Waholoa, Paakea
Statistics: 1487 characters 246 words
No. 9303, Hoomana
N.R. 431V4

I, Hoomana, am a claimant of a mo`o in the `ili of Waholoa, Waimalu, Ewa, Oahu. Its name is Kaaiilio and it is described as follows: From the west to the east of that `ili, the first mo`o is mine.

F.T. 63v9 ....

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.... Waimanlu Stream.

Land from Paioa at the time of Kinau. No one objected to him. The second section is the house lot in the ili of Paakea.

Keaweamahi, sworn, he [she?] has known in the same way as Kane.

[Award 9303; R.P. 8508; Waimalu Ewa; 1 ap.; .4 Ac.]