Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09329
Claimant: Nuka
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Manananui
Ili: Paanau
Statistics: 2334 characters 390 words
No. 9329, Nuka
N.R. 438v4

I, Nuka, am a claimant of a mo'o in the `ili of Paauau, Manananui, Ewa, Oahu. The name is Kaaumakua and the boundaries are as follows: on the north is Kupapaulau, on the south is Kumuohia, on the east is Opu, on the west is Kanenene, and the lihi of this mo'o are: 1. a kula in the mo'o of Kumuhau, 2. a pu'uone /pond/, named Kalokoloa, 3. house site; named Kakae, seaward of Pipiloa. The descripti ....

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.... o Kakae.

Section 1:
Mauka, Pu, a moo land
Honolulu, Kumuohia moo land
Makai, Kanenelu and Hana
Waianae, Kupapaulau moo land.

Section 2:
Mauka and Honolulu, Pipiloa
Makai and Waianae, Polea of Manana.

Land from Kupa at the time of Kinau. No one objected to Nuka.

Kupihea, sworn, he has known in the same way as Kuheleloa.

[Award 9329; R.P. 195; Paauau Manananui Ewa; 1 ap.; .97 Ac.]