Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00558
Claimant: Kahalewiliwili
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kaopuana
Statistics: 2818 characters 487 words
No. 558, Kahalewiliwili, Honolulu, March 1, 1847
N.R. 222-223v2

The Honorable Wm. Richards, the President of the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands appointed by the Mo`i: I hereby explain to you my claim for rights at this place. It was from my kaikua`ana, and I am living here at this time. It was formerly unused land, there were no fences or houses, however, there are houses now. From Makaele and Mu and Uilama and my kaikua`ana, from whom I got my place for which I petition you, the Land Commissioners. I have lived there since ....

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.... iliwili because he has lived probably 28 years on this lot and no one has ever opposed him.

N.T. 346v2
No. 558,Kahalewiliwili, From pg. 338, October 21 [1847]

Kaapuiki, sworn by the Word of God and stated, I heard the statement of the first witness of Kahalewiliwili which has just been read to you. It is true for it was I who had given him that [land] and it was I who had written the claim and had given it to him and as I relinquish my interest there it would then be for Kahalewiliwili.

[No. 558 not awarded]