Mahele Documents

09397 Hawea, widow; Kailieha, daughter
Claim Number: 09397
Claimant: Maulani
Other claimant:Hawea, widow; Kailieha, daughter
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Waimalu
Ili: Kunakoi, Kanakoi
Statistics: 2052 characters 343 words
No. 9397, Maulani
N.R. 458v4

I, Maulani, am a claimant of a mo'o in the 'ili of Kaumiumi, Ahupua'a of Waimalu, Ewa, Oahu. Its name is Kolowalu and it is as follows: from the east to the west of that 'ili, the first mo'o is mine. Also, there is a house site in the `ili of Kanakoi which is 15 fathoms long by 13 fathoms wide.

F.T. ....

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Makai, Kioi's house lot
Waianae, Waimalu stream.

Maulani's house lot had been from Pelu at the time of Kinau and upon his death
it was intherited by Kekaula, the wife of the deceased is Hawea, his daughter
is Kailieha and the son-in-law is Kekaula.

Pelu, sworn, he has seen Maulani's house lot, it had been from him.

[No. 9397 not awarded]