Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09405
Claimant: Kanaau, Maria
Other claimant:
Other name: Maria
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Manana iki
Ili: Kalanihale
Statistics: 1867 characters 309 words
No. 9405, [Kanaau], Maria
N.R. 461v4

I, Maria Kanaau, am a claimant of a mo'o in the 'ili of Kalanihale, Mananaiki, Ewa, Oahu. Its name is Kumupali. On the north is Kaumaumaula, on the south is Lihue, on the east is a watercourse, on the west is the muliwai of Kaea. There is also a house site, which lies as follows: Beginning at the plac ....

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.... , river
Waianae, Kaumaumaula moo land.

This land had been from Lahilahi to Kapakanae, the husband of M. Kanaau, at the time of Kinau. When Kapakaua died, his wife, Kanaau, received the land. No one objected to her.

Kanehue, sworn, he has known in the same way as Hopoe.

[Award 9405; R.P. 238; Kulanihale Manananui Ewa; 1 ap.; .744 Ac.]