Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09812G
Claimant: Keaweluaole
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina, Hana
Ahupuaa: Kelawea, Muolea
Ili: Kukuipahu
Statistics: 8005 characters 1372 words
No. 9812G, Keaweluaole
F.T. 185-186v7

This claimant's claim could not be found but Z. Kaauwai said he knows it had been sent in and the claimant made oath that he had sent in 3 claims in 1847. He said he gave them to Mr. Richards (they stand in Register volume 2 under No. 705.)

Keaweaheulu, sworn, I know well the lands of the claimant in Lahaina and Hana. He has an Ahupuaa of land in Hana called "Muolea." There are 7 natives on this land. He has an ili of land in "Paunau," Lahaina, called "Kuaipuaa," and one ili in Kelawea, called Kukuikapu." He has 5 moos of land in the ili of Kealapu, Waialua, Oahu.

The Ahupuaa of "Muolea in Hana he received from Hoapili wahine in 1832. This land was formerly Keohikalele's, but she consented that Hoapili Wahine should place the claimant on the land, and he held it as a luna until Hoapili wahine's death, at which time she requested of Keohikalele that she would let the claimant keep this land. She did so until 1846 when she took the land from him. Hoapili wahine never owned of [sic] the land.

The ilis of Kuaipuaa [illegible]. He received from Hoapili Wahine in 1822 and held Kukuikapu in peace until 1846 when Kanaina took it away with all his food, horses, etc., amounting in all to about $358 and he has held them to this day refusing to give them up. The occasion of this high-handed act of Kanaina's was the refusal of the claimant to say that he lived under Kanaina. The claimant sued Kanaina and they judge referred him to the Land Comm ....

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.... pies produced.

Keaweaheulu, sworn, He has seen Keaweluaole's interest at Kuaipuaa ili in Paunau, also the ili of Kikuikapu in Kelawea and the ahupuaa of Muolea in Hana. "I have 5 moo's and the ili of Kealapii in the ahupuaa of Paalaa on Oahu."

This Kukuikapu, Kuaipuaa and Muolea from Hoapili to Keaweluaole in 1832. Keohokalole stirred for Muolea in 1846, while C. Kanaina offered objections for Kukuikapu at Kelawea.

No dispute from 1832, opposition stated in 1846, Keaweluaole had refused to be under C. Kanaina and a case was taken before the district Judge E. Kuakamauna and Kahaolelua.

C. Kanaina paid $350.00 for Kukuikapu at Kelawea after the land commissioners had enforced their decision.

No objections by the chiefs for Kuaipuaa of Paunau from 1832 until 1846, Maluo the konohiki of Paunau took this ili without Keaweaheulu's knowledge, drove his servant out and gave his land to Napapa.

This land has been returned to Keaweaheulu in 1848 with the exception of 2 patches and 2 moo's, Kaumanoha have them in his possession at the present time.

There is 1 Friday land at Kukuikapu and 1 at Kuaipuaa for Kekuanaoa. He also has an interest called Kauhi, Keaweaheulu will not object to his. Maui 3 servants are there on their interest, they are Kahalelole, Umiumi and Kaiki. No objections.

Kekuanaoa had given the 5 moo's in the ili of Kealapii at Paalaa of Waialua, Oahu in 1846, no objections.

[Award 9812G; R.P. 1779; Kealawea Lahaina; 2 ap.; 2 roods 21 rods]