Mahele Documents

6/27/2011 12:55:09 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 09836
Claimant: Kalawaiahonu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Ahuli
Statistics: 3733 characters 506 words
No. 9836, Kalawaiahonu /Kalaiahonu/
N.R. 279-280v7

No. 9837, Koliola
No. 9838, Nioimua /Moeimua/

Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai, an `ili named Ahuli. It lies from the pali of Keolewa to Kapoloa. It is cut in the middle by the po'alima and then it jumps makai - this is Kaapaa and it lies, again, as far as Puuoniino, diagonally mauka of its boundary from seaward. For your information, the hooilo* is its length. Its width is 16 chains, or 176 fathoms. Its two sides are bounded by Niu on one side and by Hauola on another side. They also lie from the pali. My land has been held from the time that Heeia was the konohiki at Kalaupapa - my kaikuahine, Kaa ....

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.... , a sea.

Apana 2:
Mauka, a pali
Waikolu, land of Kaniho
Makai, land of Konohiki
Kaluakoi, land of Koliola.

Apana 3:
Mauka, land of Konohiki
Waikolu, land of Hauhalalele
Makai, and Kaluakoi, land of Konohiki.
It was from his parents and was held long before the time of Kamehameha I. He has had quiet and undisputed possession until this time.

Kamaipelekane, sworn, (Deputy Konohiki)t His claim is good.

N.T. 204v6 [also page 125]
No. 9836, Kaakau

Moo, Kaekeeke ili Ahuli

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by konohiki
Makai by Makanalua
Malalo by Mahiai.

A.D. Kahekili

[Award 9836; R.P. 6364; Ahuli Kalaupapa Koolau; 1 ap.; 1.75 Ac.]