Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00610
Claimant: Rooke, T.C.B., Dr.
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Kapalama
Ili: Puunui, Niolopa
Statistics: 2409 characters 422 words
No. 610, T.C.B. Rooke, Honolulu 23 June 1847
F.R. 82v2

I beg to leave to lay before you my claims for the four pieces of land as described below, they forming parts of a land called Puunui, situated in the district of Kapalama on the Island of Oahu, and which were given to me by his Highness, John Young, and have been duly surveyed by Mr. Metcalf, namely:

1st. A piece of land on the Nuuana road, Southwest of Niolopa, containing ....

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.... ived (there) at the time of Kalaikauhoa. I know for it was I who had pointed out the boundaries to the foreigner who surveyed that property which is at Kawananakoa in Puunui."

See page 390 [No. 597 - Kauka Luke (Rooke)]

[Award 610, R.P. 606; Puunui Honolulu Kona; 2 ap.; 12.31 Acres; R.P. 207; Puunui Honolulu Kona; 2 ap.; 21.49 Acs (Awardee index); R.P. 606/607; Niolopa Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; 8.89 Acs; R.P. 607; Puunui; 3 ap.; 24.77 Acs (Location index)]