Mahele Documents

10082 Pipili, father, Kupahu, mother
Claim Number: 10082
Claimant: Mamao
Other claimant:Pipili, father, Kupahu, mother
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kahili
Ili: Makaihuwaa, Kapuka
Statistics: 2252 characters 378 words
No. 10082, Mamao
N.R. 262v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for an `ili named Makaihuwaa. The boundaries of this `ili.* All the rights in this `ili are mine, and that is my claim which is stated to you. I also have a claim in the `ili of Kapuka, for two lo`i and some scattered lo`i, a total of six.
Kahili, Kauai,
January 17, 1848

*[Boundaries] Not stated.


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.... li land to her son Mamao.

Boundaries of that ili:
Mauka by Konohiki pasture
Halelea by Kalama's land
Makai by Kahili river
Anahola by Konohiki pasture.

Keo, sworn, he has seen Mamao's ili land and it is his (Mamao) own land just as Daniel, the witness has related. Both Keo and Daniela have known in the same way.

[Award 10082; R.P. 4074; Makaihiwaa Kahili Koolau; 1 ap.; 5.5 Ac 30 rods]