Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10096
Claimant: Mareko
Other claimant:
Other name: Maliko
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Waioli
Ili: Kuaiwa, Kalema
Statistics: 3207 characters 504 words
No. 10096, Mareko
N.R. 267v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I, Mareko, a Hawaiian subject on the island of Kauai, in the District of Waioli, hereby explain my taro lo`is. There are three large lo`i and five small ones, 7 chains and 5 chains or more. Their widths are six.

Concerning the ko`eles, the length is 3 chains, the width is 2 chains. Another is 7 chains ling by 6 wide. /Another is/ 4 chains long by 3 chains wide. The kula is 7 chains long by 3 wide.

F.T. 9-10v12
No. 10096, Mareko, Claimant

Solomona, sworn, says I know the lands of Mare ....

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.... vernment land
Makai by Kawahine's land
Koolau by Government land.

Section 3:
Mauka by Waioli stream
Napali by Waioli stream
Makai by Keo's loi
Koolau by Waioli pali.

Section 4:
Mauka by Government land
Napali by Koenapuu's land
Makai by Nuku's land
Koolau by Kawahine's loi.

He has seen a pasture claim in Betelehema of Waioli, but the boundaries are not certain. Mareko's land from D. Papohaku, title clear.

[Award 10096; R.P. 4664; Waioli Halelea; 2 ap.; 3 Acs 3 roods; Kuaiawa Waioli Halelea; 1 ap.; 3 roods]