Mahele Documents

00647 Kanaina, Charles, Queen Kalama
Claim Number: 00647
Claimant: Kalama, Hakaleponi
Other claimant:Kanaina, Charles, Queen Kalama
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Naihekukui
Statistics: 8333 characters 1492 words
No. 647, Hakaleponi, Charles Kanaina, Honolulu, June 22, 1847
N.R. 316v2

Greetings to you, Mr. William Richards, The President of the Land Commissioners: Here is the third of the claims which I give into your hands for you to administer. It is a kuleana of Naihekukui in Honolulu, adjoining the place about which Richard Charlton is contending, mauka is the market of Matthew Kekuanaoa at the wharf, on the southeast is S. Reynold's old place, makai is the road going to Honolulu House.

Therefore, We, H. Kalama and I, ask that we be awarded this kuleana of Naihekukui because we are his successors living at this time.

But it will be proper for you to investigate us in order to clarify our right at this place and at this time we are prepared to bring true and correct witnesses of our right.
With everlasting gratitude may All Powerful God verify your work.

F.T. 85v2 [See Claim 619-632, Stephen Reynolds]

N.T. 413-418v2
No. 647, H. Kalama & C. Kanaina, December 10 [1847]

M. Kekuanaoa, sworn by the Word of God and stated, "I have seen the property of Naihekukui adjoining Merchant Street and close to Nuuanu Street. Merchant Street is mountain side; Ewa is the place Lanai is demanding; on the south, two fathoms from the well; toward the ocean is the market and Nihoa is on the Waikiki side. The lot Hakaleleponi is demanding is five or perhaps six fathoms in size. That house there had been built in 1822 and Naihekukui had received this interest from the chief. It was he who had built those houses an ....

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.... Later I had asked Poki to have Mr. French evicted and Poki said to me, "I will evict him!" Our people was living there with Hoaai and the eviction of Mr. French was at the time Kuakini had been living here, but some time after this, I realized that the place was vacant; therefore, I asked Mr. French to consider returning to live on the place again. He refused saying, "the places are mine." When Kuakini had returned to Hawaii, we made arrangements and had Hoaai live there with all of the servants under Kalama. The clothes were taken before I had received the $400.00. Later Hoaai and I had a talk with Lanai (Reynolds) and he said, "That property is for them also," then the chiefs went to Maui and I was on Maui for a year. I had come home to make settlements in the year 1837. Hoaai was living there and I saw a great amount of rocks. I asked Hoaai to enclose the lot except for Lanai's place. That is the place where the well is now which was our first well and is the boundary of Lanai's place and of Kalama's property. During Kekuanaoa's time, Naihekukui's place had become mine and I had given Kekuanaoa the place he has now where the market is standing. Earlier I had given Kalama's interest to the government and Lanai had objected to G. Judd, then Judd had said to me, "I have no right just as Lanai has refused. Then I settled my interest and gave it to Keoki Pa" (sic). My feeling is that Kalama is really the owner of that place and no one else.

See Lanai's (Reynold's) objections, pp. 406, 412 and 420 [see claim 627]

[No. 647 not awarded; See Award 626]