Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10252
Claimant: Maliu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kona, North
Ahupuaa: Kahului 1
Ili: Kamuku
Statistics: 2336 characters 373 words
No. 10252, Maliu, Kahului, Kona, January 26, 1848
N.R. 475v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby explain my land claim in Kahului 1, which was from the time of Kekupuohi. My kihapais are 58 by 18, at at the head of one, the width is 6. Another kihapai is 150, at the head of one it is 6 fathoms. One far mauka in the amaumau ferns is 8 by 20. On the kula, one is 80 by 14, at the head it is 13. I also have 3 hala trees. I have three ....

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.... old since Kamehameha II, it is from Ipunui at this time, no one has objected.

Nalawaia, sworn, he has seen both (Kalama and Nalawaia) have known similarly.

N.T. 539v4
No. 10252, Maliu

Kauikuia has built a fence, 1 house is for him. Kahenu had given him /Kaiuikuia/ his interest at the time of Kamehameha II, no one has objected.


[Award 10252; R.P. 6742, Kahului Kona; 1 ap.; 1.4 Acs]