Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00654
Claimant: Kaelemakule
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kapaeli
Statistics: 3628 characters 629 words
No. 654, Kaelemakule, Honolulu, August 27, 1847
N.R. 324v2

Greetings to you, the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my claim for my two mo`os at Kapaeli in Nuuanu, on the island of Oahu.

Here is the boundary of one mo`o: Kapalikea is the land adjoining the mauka side. On the south side is the land of Dr. Rooke. On the makai side is the lot of Mr. Skinner. On the north side is the mo`o of Pi.

The interest in this mo`o began when the ali`i was hewing wood at Wahiawa. It was Manuahi who gave it to me. When it was given there were 5 cultivated taro patches, and I myself planted two, making seven taro patches in this location. In 1839, perhaps, Manuahi was dispossessed an ....

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.... which is Kaelemakule's number one moo land.

2. Moo land.
A stream from Waolani is on the Ewa side
Palikea, a land mauka
Keamaole's property, Waikiki and
on the makai side is Kapahuluhulu.

No one has ever objected to Kaelemakule's two moos to the present time.

Keoni, sworn by the Word of God and stated, "What I have known for all things about this claim is the same as Pi has just stated here. The same applies to the length of time he had lived there and how he had received his claim."

/* moo - land division next less than an ili and is for cultivation only./

[Award 654; R.P. 113; Kapaeli Honolulu Kona; 3 ap.; 2.2 Acs]