Mahele Documents

9/30/2016 12:59:56 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 10421
Claimant: Nahiana
Other claimant:Kapule
Other name: Nahiona
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kaao, Paauhau
Ili: Kaiwihaluhalu, Kanahiu
Statistics: 1939 characters 257 words
No. 10421, Nahiana, Kaao, Hamakua, Hawaii, 29 January 1848
N.R. 365v8


Greetings to the Land Commissioners: We hereby state that we are living in Kaao, there are two of us and two `ilis. Their names are Kaiwihaluhalu for Kapule, and Kanahiu for Nahiana. The boundaries of these `ilis extend far from inland to the sea, and they have on them clumps of bamboo and ....

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.... 39;s land.
1 cultivated kihapai.

Section 7:
Mauka & Kohala, Makai, Hilo also by Pulahalaha's land.
1 cultivated kihapai.

Old land from Nahiona's parents since the time of Kamehameha I; no one has objected.

Kapule, sworn, He has known exactly as Kalauwao had related there.

[Award 10421; R.P. 7421; Paauhau Hamakua; 1 ap.; 8 Acs]