Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10460
Claimant: Nalei
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikapu
Ili: Olohe
Statistics: 2688 characters 474 words
No. 10460, Nalei, Waikapu, 31 January
N.R. 519v6

I hereby write to you for my claim for an independent pauku of land. There are 28 lo`i and a weedgrown place. On the south is a Pond, on the west are some sugar cane mo`os, on the north is the 'Ili of Kaapala, on the east are some sugar cane mo`os. I received it from Makole in 1849 /sic/ Also, I have two lo`i at Olohe. The witnesses are Poonui and Kane.

F.T. 510-511v7
Cl. 10460, Nalei

Kaai, Sworn, The Claim ....

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.... lo`i in Olohe.

Parcel 1 was received from Makole in 1845. Parcel 2 was received from Keaho in the days of Kamehameha I, who had it from his makuas. He has lived there continuously in peace with no opposition.

[No.] 1 is bounded:
Mauka by the 'Ili of Kaopala
Waihee by my land [Kaai]
Kula and Maalaea by Charles Copp.

[No.] 2. is surrounded by my land.

Makole, sworn, It is true as Kaai has testified.

[Award 10460; Olohe Waikapu Wailuku; 1 ap.; .07 Ac.]