Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10486
Claimant: Naukana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Halawa
Ili: Hapuu, Pupunoni
Statistics: 2608 characters 419 words
No. 10486, Naukana, January 18, 1848
N.R. 18v8

To Kamehameha III, greetings: Here is my little claim for land. Halawa is the Ahupua`a. My two land areas are Hapuu and Pupunoni. Kamehameha III gave Kaihe the Ahupua`a, and Kaihe gave me these `ilis which I have occupied under them for twelve years, without moving.

F.T. 24v4
No. 10486, Naukana

Nakeaha, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies one section of land in the Ili of Hapuu, Ahupuaa Halaw ....

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.... na. He had received his interest from Kaihe in 1838; no one has objected."

Ili of Puunoni:
Mauka, Makahinaole ili land
Kohalawaho, idle land
Makai, Kapuna ili land
Hamakua, for Kaihe /konohiki/.

There are 8 patches and 4 potato fields and this section was acquired in exactly the same way; no one has objected."

Pipa, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Nakiaha has stated here."

[Award 10486; R.P. 6664; Halawa N. Kohala; 1 ap.; 17.27 Acs]