Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10506
Claimant: Naiwi, Pilipo
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Kahei 2
Ili: Haleokane, Kahualoa, Kukui, Ahuakekoa, Luaailio
Statistics: 3467 characters 548 words
No. 10506, P. Naiwi, Kohala, Hawaii, January 18, 1848
N.R. 16v8

My occupancy of the two Ahupua`a of Kahei was from Kamehameha I. Kamehameha III was the one who got the land and Kapu had it from him, and I got it from Kapu.

F.T. 78v4
No. 10506, Pilipo Naiwi

Napele, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies one piece of land in Ili of Haleokane, Ahupuaa Kahei II.

North by land held by Kahaoi
West by land held by Kekoa
North by land held by Niheu
East by land held by Napele.

Also one lot in Ili of Kahualoa same Ahupuaa.
South by land held by ....

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.... has been tilled; there is no house.

5. Section V, Leioilio ili.
Mauka by Naaomo's land
Kohalawaho by Makalaau's land
Makai by a street
Hamakua by my land.
This has been cultivated; there is no house.

6. Section VI, House-lot, enclosed.
Mauka by Kahaoi's lot
Kohalawaho, Makai, also on Hamakua side by idle lands.
There are 2 houses for him on this very old land from his parents at the time of Kamehameha I. No one has objected."

Kailinana, sworn and stated, "I have known [Left blank] [as] Napele has related here."

[Award 10506; R.P. 4863; Kahei 2 Kohala; 2 ap.; 26.78 Acs]