Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10572
Claimant: Ohuaaiai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Niu iki, Kokipohaku
Statistics: 3397 characters 535 words
No. 10572, Ohuaaiai
N.R. 306-307v7

For your information, O Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai. It is an `ili named Niuiki, and it is 510 fathoms long by 22 fathoms wide. It is bounded by Kokipohaku on the west, by Niunui on the east, by Kaiaka on the south, and by Keolewa on the north.

Here is this claim of mine for a "jump" from within Niuiki, its name is Niuiki. It is situated as follows: Its length is from Makanalua to the "jump" of Ahuli. It is bounded by Kokipohaku on the west, by Ahuli on the east and the north, by Iliopii on the south. I received this ....

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Apana 2:
Mauka, land of Kalili
Waikolu, land of Aa
Makai & Kaluakoi, land of Kalili.

He has had quiet and undisputed possession from the time of Kamehameha. I.

Kamaipelekane (Deputy Konohiki), sworn, His claim is good.

It was decided to re-survey Apana 1 as four acres.

N.T. 205v6 [also page 126]
No. 10572, Ohuaaiai

Moo, Nui ili.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by Nunumea
Makai by Makaualua
Malalo by Holonaeole.

Year during the time of Kamehameha I.

[Award 10572; R.P. 6507; Nui Kalaupapa Koolau; 2 ap.; 4 Acs 1 fathom]