Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10576
Claimant: Ope
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Kukuipahu
Ili: Maoloha
Statistics: 2377 characters 366 words
No. 10576, Ope, Kukuipahu, Kohala, February 7, 1848
N.R. 80v8

I have an `ili which was from Kalaimoku, and on his death it was inherited by Piimoku, who is the landlord. I have been the tenant for 3 years. Kukuipahu is the Ahupua`a and Maalaha is the `ili.

F.T. 103v4
No. 10576, Ope

Kainoaumi, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies four pieces of land in Ili of Maoloha, Ahupuaa Kukuipahu, which are t ....

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.... />Makai by Niheu's land
Hamakua by Heau's land.
It has been cultivated; no house.

4. Section IV:
Mauka by Lono's land
Kohalawaho by idle land
Makai by a street
Hamakua by idle land.
It has been cultivated; no house. It had been acquired by his parents from Kamehameha I; no one had objected.

Kaawa, sworn and stated, I have known exactly as Kainoaumi has related here.

[No. 10576 not awarded]