Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10586
Claimant: Peiho
Other claimant:
Other name: Peioho
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Kipapa, Kapaloa, Kapohaku
Statistics: 3141 characters 504 words
No. 10586, Peioho
N.R. 296-297v9

The Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby describe my lo`i and house lot at Wainiha. I have occupied this house lot since 1837. It is 40 fathoms in length and 22 fathoms in width, and the same on the other sides.

Furthermore, there are 3 lo`i and a kula. The diagram is as follows:


On the north, 67 fathoms, on the east, 25 fathoms, on the south 67 fathoms, on the west 24 fathoms. I believe that I may have a valid claim. It is for you to consider its validity.
A respectful farewell,
The witnesses: Kum ....

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.... by Kahea's land
Koolau by Wainiha river.

Section 3:
Mauka by D. Oleloa
Napali by ditch
Makai by Keahia's land
Koolau by Wainiha river.

Section 1 and 2 to Paiho [sic] in 1841, from his sister. Although he had been working under her since 1837 to 1841, no objections.

Section 3 was received in 1847 from D. Oleloa, no objections.

Kapua, sworn, he has seen Peiho's land exactly as Peiho (Kowelo) has related here.

[Award 10586; R.P. 6643; Kapaloa Wainiha Halelea; 1 ap. 2 roods 14 rods; Kapohaku Wainiha Halelea; 2 ap. 3 roods 39 rods]