Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00685
Claimant: Pehu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kawaiahao
Statistics: 2811 characters 463 words
No. 685, Pehu
N.R. 350v2

This lot is for Pehu, at Kawaiahao, and is shown below:

/See diagram/ [not in this text]

1. Makai side, 144 feet 6 inches
2. East side, 119 feet 3 inches
3. Mauka side, 174 feet 3 inches
4. Lower side, 31 feet 4 inches.
[Total] 469 feet 1 inch

My interest in this lot is from my wife's parents. Her father is Honokaupu and her mother is Kaneikaawa, they are still living, and they gave us this place.

They lived in this place without completing ....

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.... os; Kamehameha II. It was an idle land so Honokaupu just went and lived there and Pehu is living there peacefully, no one has objected."

Kaehu, sworn by the Bible and stated, "I have seen this place. Honokaupu was living there in the year 1837. The boundaries are the same as that report. I have not seen the granting to Pehu nor have I seen anyone else there. It has been enclosed with one house within it."

See page 717, Vol. 3 [See 709 to Pehu]

[Award 685; R.P. 2691; Kawaiahao Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .2 Ac.]