Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10644
Claimant: Piiko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Pahoa, Waikama
Statistics: 4496 characters 706 words
No. 10644, Piiko, Lahaina, February 3, 1848
N.R. 528v6

To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I humbly petition you to enter my claim in your work, as follows:

One house lot, two mo`os for cultivation, four breadfruit trees, six hala clumps, eight kukui trees, eight coconut tress, and my place of residence which is at Waiokama in Lahaina, island of Maui, under the authority of Lot Kamehameha.

F.T. 115v7
Cl. 10644 Piiko [wahine]

Kahooholo, sworn, The claimant's house lot is in "Waiokama," Lahaina and she has two sections of kalo land in "Pahoa," Lahaina.

The claimant received her house lot from Kanemaikou in the year 1830, where Lot was borne. Her title to it has never been disputed.

The lands in "Pahoa," were received from the same person at the same ti ....

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Hooholo, sworn, he known claimants land in Lahaina, Maui - 3 pieces.

Section 1 - House lot in Waiokama.
Mauka by walking road
Kaanapali by Church lot
Makai by small patch
Olowalu by new Government road.

Section 2 - 2 lois and a kula at Pahoa.
Mauka by Upais land
Kaanapali by Nalehus land
Makai and Olowalu by Pikaneles land.

Section 3 - 17 Lois at Pahoa.
Mauka by Keaweolus land
Kaanapali by creek
Makai by Wahamanos land
Olowalu by pali.

Land received from Kaneemaikou before 1833, he [she] has lived there undisputed to the present.

Kapuaahiwa, sworn, full testimony is correct, Upai, the assistant konohiki of Pahoa has testified that Piikos claim in Pahoa is correct.

[Award 10644; R.P. 4529; Pahoa Lahaina; 2 ap.; 1.12 Acs; Waiokama Lahaina; 1 ap.; .32 Acs]