Mahele Documents

10675 Kaikaina, younger brother
Claim Number: 10675
Claimant: Pueaina
Other claimant:Kaikaina, younger brother
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Lawai
Ili: Hapaiehu, Kapaiehu
Statistics: 2832 characters 479 words
No. 10675, Pueaina
N.R. 314-315v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for land, at Lawai on the island of Kauai; its name is Hapaiehu. There are seven lo`i with taro and 9 lo`i which are dry and have no taro. There is also an area, a lihi /edge, border/ named Puanuiaohua. It is a larger lihi, from Hapaiehu as far as the seashore, and my house is in this lihi.*

This land was given me by Kapoo, a Konohiki under Kaikioewa, and I have occupied this land since then. The witnesses are: Nahakuelua, Makahooka ....

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.... r />Mauka by Stream
Puna by Stream
Makai by Lois of Maunu
Hanapepe by cliff.

Section 1 - the lois of Pueaina and the kula area and the house lot. His land came from Kanehoa during the time that Emeria was Governor.

Section 2 - The lois of Kalakielo came from Kapoo down to him and to Pueaina, his younger brother is a male Kaikaina, down to the present when they are living together on these sections. No one has objected to the present.

[Award 10675; R.P. 6800; Kapaiehu Lawai Kona; 1 ap.; 1 Ac 2 roods 36 rods]