Mahele Documents

00697 Kuaana, oppose
Claim Number: 00697
Claimant: Kaunuohua
Other claimant:Kuaana, oppose
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahehuna.
Statistics: 5529 characters 966 words
No. 697, Kaunuohua, Opposed [Kaiakuaaina / Kuaana no. 586]
N.R. 360v2

Greetings to you, the Land Commissioners, Mr. W.L. Lee, and Mr. J.H. Smith, and John Ii, and Z. Kaauwai, and N. Namauu:

I have only heard that Kaiakuaaina has petitioned for my taro patch at Kahehuna, telling you he was the one who had a claim on this patch. If that is so, I absolutely deny to you that he has the least claim to that taro patch. I am really the one with the right there, because all the po`alima taro patches on the land belong to the konohiki'' place. Therefore this is a po`alima patch. This patch is at the head of the land called Kahehuna.

I am telling you the truth, but if you are able to survey it quickly we will all know the size. Finished.
I am, with thanks,
September 16, 1847
Witness: Kekino

F.T. 77v2
No. 697, Kaunuohua, Counter 586, Kuaana, November 26 [1848]

Kekino, sworn, the boundaries I know to have been correctly given in the testimony. The place is partly kalo land. I ....

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.... y have all of the produce (food) but the patch is retained by the konohiki."

Hooliliamanu, sworn by the Word of God and stated, "I have worked on this patch.
In the month of February 1847, and thro' the oral testimonies of people, I have known those things." That was not a koele during the time of Aua, it had been taro land for the Hawaiians. Kapu had become konohiki and upon his death in 1841, Kapu II had possession of the land. Kuaana first had that patch, then the land was acquired by Kaunuohua in the month stated above. Kaunuohua had made that land a koele at that time for he was a konohiki.

It has been revealed by the oral testimonies in behalf of Kaunuohua that the property is a koele and in evaluating the statements of both sides I had confirmed the property for Kuaana because the native had lived there a very long time." "Hooliliamanu has never verified that patch as being mine." See below and on page 397.

*koele - patches and gardens planted by the common people for their landlords.

[No. 697 not awarded]