Mahele Documents

12/28/2016 10:47:55 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00704
Claimant: Honaunau
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Punchbowl St.
Statistics: 2955 characters 492 words
No. 704, Honaunau, Honolulu, September 22, 1847
N.R. 366v2

Know all men of my claim for my house lot.

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for my house lot, as in the law. This place is at Apua, Honolulu, Island of Oahu. Its boundaries are as follows: On the north, the house lot of Maele; on the east, the house lot of Kinimaka, and the pond of Aikahi; on the south, Kakaoko /Kakaako?/; on the west, the sea of Apua. Kalola gave me this place to my wahine, whose name is Keano, and she gave it to me.
I ....

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.... uwai, sworn by the Word of God and stated, "I have seen this place which is very much the same way as John Ii has related here; perhaps I have slightly more knowledge (about it) . Honaunau's parents and his wife had received this property here at the fort and they have lived there since then to the present time. No one else has had any claim to this time. It has been rumored his wife had be-quested the place to him. I have not known anyone has objected."

[no footnote for nini soil.]

[Award 704; R.P. 5731; Punchbowl St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .18 Ac.]