Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10850B
Claimant: Mahoe
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Ohia, Kaiaka
Statistics: 5360 characters 843 words
[No. 10850B], Mahoe
N.R. 295-297v7

[listed as 10151, not awarded]

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai; it is in the `ili of Ohia and the name of this mo`o is Iliilikaa. It is bounded on one side by Kaulu, on one side of Ohia, by Makanalua on another side, by Keolewa on one side, and by Paoole on another side. The length extends from the stream which borders Kaulu, as far as to the mountain. I received this mo`o when Kupu was the konohiki at Kalaupapa, and when he was dispossessed and Kanakaole became the konohiki, he also gave me this mo`o, thus I have held it until the present. The witnesses are: Kane, Kalahilo, Kou, and Mahoe.

I request you, the Commissioners, to award this land to me.
Kalaupapa, Molokai, January, 1848

2. For your information, O Land Commissioners, I have a claim in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa. It is a house lot named Kuahu. It is in the `ili of Kaiaka. It is situated as follows: Kalawaiahonu's land is on t ....

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.... />Section 2 - pasture.
Mauka, Opunui
Manae, stream bank
Makai, sea
Malalo. pali.

Mahoe lived there at the time of Naea. No one objected.

N.T. 206v6 [also page 127]
No. 10151, Mahoe, See below
[should be 10850B]

Moo, Ohia ili.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by pali
Manae by Makanalua
Makai by Pualewa
Malalo by Pahua.

In the year 1828.

House lot in Kalaupapa.
Mauka by road
Manae, Makai, Malalo by Konohiki

Land from parents, Mahoe lived there in 1826. An old heiau (Waihau) is on this land, the konohiki has opposed objections.

N.T. 206v6[also page 127]
No. 10151, Mahoe, from above
[should be 10850B]

House lot in Kalaupapa.
Mauka, road
Manae, Makai, Malalo, Konohiki

Land from parents, Mahoe lived there in 1826. An old heiau (Waihau) is on this land, the konohiki has opposed objections.

[Award 10850B; R.P. 6661; Kalaupapa Koolau; 2 ap.; 4.4 Acs]