Mahele Documents

00712 Pele for Kahaiao
Claim Number: 00712
Claimant: Kahaiao, wahine
Other claimant:Pele for Kahaiao
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Richards St.
Statistics: 3104 characters 522 words
No. 712, Kahaiao
N.R. 373-374v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands of the Kingdom of the Independent King, Greetings:

I hereby state my claim, which is in Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Its boundaries are: on the east, the lot of Nakookoo and Mokunui; on the north, the lot of the haole, Kelewa and Beretania Street; on the west, Beretania Street and the lot of Kaneulupo; on the south, the lot of Kaneulupo and the lot of Naipae.

This is how the interest was acquired by me in this lot: my father-in-law, a man named Kanekapu, died and b ....

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.... t is in Honolulu;

Shillaber's big house, toward the mountain
Keaakahi's lot, Waikiki
Kalama's lot, mine and Naopae's lot, Waikiki and
Haliimaile street is on the Ewa side.

Kahaiao had lived there during Kaomi's time. It has been enclosed and there is one house on the inside. Kahaiao had received the interest from Kanekapu, but there were two of them in this property and no one else owns this place."

Postponed until another witness is found.

[Award 712; R.P. 1618; Richards St. Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .16 Ac.; Pele for Kahaiao]