Mahele Documents

9/4/2011 4:15:35 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00713
Claimant: Kealoha
Other claimant:Namohala, opposes
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Statistics: 2877 characters 498 words
No. 713, Kealoha, Honolulu, Oahu, September 23, 1847
N.R. 374-375v2

To the President of the Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Greetings: In accordance with the directions in the Elele to give our claims for you to administer, because the Mo`i has given you the power, therefore I enter my claim, from the kula to the taro patch, at Moanalua.

I acquired my right in the taro patches follows: that taro patch was /taken/ for the use of the `Aialo /chief"s attendants/ by Manuhoa. It was not connected with the poalimas, and when I thought ....

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.... ;s assistant had suggested saying, "It would not be well to wait for the officers who quiet land titles because it would be too long." It was noted at first that it was a koele and according to the testimony of nine witnesses, the koele is from the house site to the pond; therefore Kealoha had paid $95; $47.50 in dollars for another parcel of land and $47.50 in personal property. That is what I have known. I have received $47.50 in real dollars also - the value of $47.50 in personal property and another separate land."

[No. 713 not awarded]